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Welcome to NCBPA's RESNET Providership!


The NCBPA began offering its Providership in Septemner of 2014 at the request of Home Energy Raters across the state who, for many years, have been interested in establishing a centralized nonprofit RESNET Providership to achieve the following benefits:


  1. Lower the cost of performing home energy ratings by consolidating the fees, certification processing steps, quality assurance services and more into one organization.

  2. Market the valuable role of Home Energy Raters in North Carolina to Builders, Homeowners and other stakeholders that benefit from home energy ratings.

  3. Provide the best technical assistance and quality assurance services available in the state, so that all Home Energy Raters are well-trained and have the resources they need to be successful and support their clients.


Our Providership is based upon the principle of working together to realize shared benefits, and then competing as rating companies on a larger playing field across the state.  By operating a RESNET Providership with many of our state's HERS Raters included, together we can lower the cost of certification processing, streamline quality assurance practices and work together to grow our industry.  


Contact us at 919-841-6207 or to discuss how our Providership can support your home energy raters.


In the spring of 2015, NCBPA commissioned UNC Charlotte's Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) to analyze North Carolina's market for energy efficient and high performance homes and buildings.


The goals of the study included inventorying as many energy efficient and high performance homes and buildings as possible, determing the number and saturation of certification and verification programs, and identifying opportunities to grow the market for energy efficient and high performance homes and buildings in North Carolina.

Completed in August of 2015, the study offers excellent insight into the market for these types of homes and buildings, including:

  • 121,919 energy efficient and high performance homes and buildings were built in North Carolina since 2007, including a 255% increase from 2010 to 2014.

  • Just 5,000 homes and buildings were built in North Carolina in 2008, compared to over 28,000 in 2014.


Click on an image to access documents from the study:

Questions and Media Inquiries:


Please contact Ryan Miller at 919-841-6207 or

Detailed Report

Whitepaper Summary

Press Release

Summary Presentation

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